Saturday, April 14, 2007

World's Finest Sabbath Nooma Boombox Canon

Just a random assortment of things:
Today, Lara and Wesley and I started a new thing in the Mattox household--an official Sabbath. We only did things that were non-work related (okay, we did clean up the house a little bit.) We started off the day by going to get some breakfast at the "Little Cattleman's" restaurant here in town. This is a restaurant that has "Support the troops" painted in the windows and has all the hashbrowns a cattleman such as myself can manage. Whilst paying the bill, I noticed that they were selling the "World's Finest" chocolate bars that i used to sell back when I played little league in Fayetteville. The chocolate bars (offered in chocolate almond, caramel (oozy, not gooey), and crunch, would come in a box that would convert into a little carrying case that I would lug around my neighborhood (Sequoyah Woods) and sell for a dollar (or was it two). Anyway, I noticed that they have changed the format of their bar. Now it is a longer and thinner bar (like a Wonka bar). When I used to hawk them, it was wider and shorter. I didn't buy one, but now am planning on going back this week and picking up one. The whole circumstance reminded me of bringing the bars to school to sell and being on the schoolbus eating them. I have a distinct memory of peeling one open while being enchanted by the boombox of this cool six grade girl. The boombox had a 3 inch black and white t.v. screen, and she always used to bring it on the bus and play Bon Jovi's "Living on a Prayer." That is the most lucid memory of elementary school bus rides that I have, and it is a good one!

Also of note, and completely unrelated, I realized that I've never shared on this blog my newfound admiration for Rob Bell and all he offers the world of Christianity. We use the nooma series in the Sunday school class I teach, as well as for young adult gatherings. I also just finished his "Velvet Elvis" audiobook, and it is full of gold. If you're looking for something fresh, approachable, genuine, and entertaining, I'd recommend either or both of these. The nooma series videos are 10-15 minute meditations on a given theme that are really provocative and beautiful. They give me chill bumps every time. (Especially Dust). On the "Young adult, emergent tip" I am also looking forward to attending the "Gathering" with Tim Keel (of Jacob's Well) and Doug Pagitt (of Solomon's Porch) on Mt. Sequoyah. I think it will be great. I've already shard beers with Doug at the Jan. gathering in Atlanta, but I've never met Tim and am impressed with what I've seen of Jacob's Well. I remember reading about it in Christian Century a year ago or so and feeling proud of what was happening in the church.

Last but not least, we have recently bought a new Canon Powershot A550. We like it. I've been reading the manual today (a good Sabbath activity, no?) and haven't taken any informed shots yet, but here's one that I like. (Weley's a little bugged by the orange light that comes on before the flash)

And here's a picture of heaven.


  1. Good stuff Nathan. I'm a big Rob Bell fan too.

    The pics of your son are great! I don't think there's anything better than getting down in the floor with your kids.

  2. I never came by to say how much I liked this post.

    I keep hearing about Rob Bell and how great he is, and I'm going to check out Velvet Elvis one of these days.

    Actually, I could say the same thing about taking sabbath- I keep hearing about it and how great it is... :-)

    I can't believe how big Wesley is. Amazing.

    Y'all should come out one of these days... if you're wanting a visit to SoCal you'd be more than welcome to stay with us.
