I've lived in three distinct climate regions, and I can honestly say that heat and humidity is the worst weather condition that might be sustained over a while. The people in the northern US can whine about snow all they want--and granted, humidity doesn't impair living conditions--other than the complete lack of desire to go outside. Besides, as far as how something feels to the skin, you can always put on more warm clothes, but you can't keep taking off. Even at the lake, the heat seeps into your skin and wears you out. Today is a grossly humid and hot day. Right now it is almost 8pm in Morris, OK. It is 96 degrees, and cloudy. However, the clouds in this occasion aren't welcome, because they just trap in the day's humidity. It actually feels like it is 104 because the humidity is at 45%. That's just ridiculous.
To my friends in SoCal who have been lulled into the misconception that 87 degrees with low humidity is a hot day--stick that in your pipe and smoke it!